
THE SCHOOL LOGO EMBODIES THE VISION OF THE INSTITUTION i.e. to have faith in one’s capabilities with a belief that patience is the key to success which comes to those who strive harder and honesty always gets rewarded. The BOOK signifies the quest for knowledge. The BLUE colour symbolizes loyalty, sincerity, wisdom & confidence. The name PARAMOUNT idealizes Supreme i.e. of superior quality. The name of the school and its logo indicates that the school provides children with a learning environment which brings out the best in them.

We believe that every child is endowed with a unique set of attributes and abilities, which need to be nurtured so that they flourish. Our mission is to develop not only academic brilliance but also a well-developed and integrated character which leads to such a refinement in their personality that they aspire to feel and sense their Higher Self or Soul within, raise themselves with the help of this Presence and learn to live in its guidance. Therefore, every child is served as an education that fosters academic excellence and all-round development along with their emotional well-being.

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